
A series of performance experimentations captured through photography and video.
The main feature of the Fuego piece is the use on one’s own body as a support on which to apply and where to explore the artistic and conceptual elements. Without trick or manipulation, it is simply the use of fire in search of artistic results.
A well known saying “If you play with fire, you get burned” refers to a lesson to those who dare to go deep into “bad” and “dangerous” places or is meant as a warning to those who are tempted.
I use fire over the body to represent the right of each and every person (in this case a woman) to make their own personal choices. To exercise the right to choose freely in order to cross, if so wished for, the line that separates logic from the irrational, the “good” from the “bad” and the accepted from the non accepted. Also to suggest and prove that such a dividing line does not exist or perhaps, is not as defined as we believe.
Witnessing these experiments tends to attract and reject the viewer because somehow it defies what we, collectively and stereotypically, have been taught and what we are used to.

FUEGO EN LA BARBA (BEARD ON FIRE) _____________________________________________

Shown at 11ª Bienal Cairo, 2008.

LOS AMANTES (THE LOVERS) _______________________________________________ Action-video produced in Benifato. Year 2005. It was a night with snow on the mountains and frozen streets in the village.
 Fue una noche de montañas nevadas y calles heladas en el pueblo.


Produced in Alicante, 2007.